import readligo as rl import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import matplotlib.mlab as mlab plt.ion() # -- Set the times marking the start and stop of data downloaded. dstart = 843894784 dstop = dstart + 4096 # ----------------------------------------- # Plot ASDs for data which passes CBC CAT 2 # ---------------------------------------- # -- Create a CBC High mass post CAT 2 segment list seglist = rl.getsegs(dstart, dstop, 'H1', flag='CBCHIGH_CAT2') # -- Load the data for each of the first 3 segments for (start, stop) in seglist[0:3]: strain, meta, dq = rl.getstrain(start, stop, 'H1') #-- For each segment, plot the ASD fs = int(1.0/meta['dt']) Pxx, freqs = mlab.psd(strain, Fs = fs, NFFT=4*fs) plt.loglog(freqs, np.sqrt(Pxx), label=str(start)) # -- Make the plot look nice plt.axis([10, 2000, 1e-23, 1e-18]) plt.grid('on') plt.xlabel('Freq (Hz)') plt.ylabel('Strain / Hz$^{1/2}$') plt.legend() # ----------------------------------------------- # Now let's try finding a burst hardware injection # ------------------------------------------------ # -- Define a segment list of hardware injection times seglist = rl.getsegs(dstart, dstop, 'H1', flag='HW') # -- As before, load the data for each segment for (start, stop) in seglist: strain, meta, dq = rl.getstrain(start, stop, 'H1') # -- Make a spectragram of the data fs = int(1.0/meta['dt']) NFFT = fs//2 window = np.blackman(NFFT) spec_power, freqs, bins = mlab.specgram(strain, NFFT=NFFT, Fs=fs, window=window) # -- Normalize each frequency bin to the median power in that bin for n in range(spec_power.shape[0]): spec_power[n] = spec_power[n] / np.median(spec_power[n]) # -- Plot the spectragram plt.figure() ax = plt.subplot(111) ax.pcolormesh(bins, freqs, np.log10(spec_power)) plt.xlabel(f'Time since GPS {start} (s)') plt.ylabel('Freq (Hz)') plt.axis([0, stop-start, 0, fs//2])