GEO600 Data for FRBs from SGR 1935+2154
Data used for the GW analysis in the paper: "A search for gravitational waves coincident with fast radio bursts from the magnetar SGR 1935+2154". The data are from the GEO600 detector, at times around 4 observed FRBs in the years 2020 and 2022. The data set contains 206543 seconds, or around 57 hours, of calibrated strain data.
Data Access
Single Computer Access
For work on a single computer, data may be accessed from a network data server (NDS2) using the NDS2 client or GWpy:
from gwpy.timeseries import TimeSeries
data = TimeSeries.fetch('G1:DER_DATA_H', start=1272079196, end=1272079300, host='')
For more examples of working with the NDS2 server, see the NDS2 Example Code.
Computer Cluster Access
For users of computer clusters, data jobs are available with HTCondor.
- To set up OSDF anf HTCondor on your computer, see OSDF instructions.
- If you are working on a computer cluster which already has access to LIGO/Virgo data, see accessing IGWN data.
- Data gaps represent times when data are not available (e.g. the instrument was not running)
- Data are under:
On a computer cluster with OSDF configured, data may be accessed by searching the server:
from gwpy.timeseries import TimeSeries
data = TimeSeries.find('G1:DER_DATA_H', frametype='G1_RDS_C01_L3_AR', start=1272079196, end=1272079300)
Download CSV Segment Lists:
- Segment List
Number Start Stop Duration
Data set DOI: 10.7935/j4zw-0376
Revision History
- Oct 10, 2024: First Release