
This web service evaluates the response of the global gravitational-wave observatory: which detectors were in science mode at times in the past, and (optionally) the orientation of each detector to a hypothetical source in the sky. Each time is specified by either GPS or UTC time, an optional identifying label, and also a time window. The service returns a table of duty cycle: the proportion of the time window when each detector was in science mode. If a source position is specified (RA and Dec), then the antenna factors of each detector are also computed. Each source is then given an overall score for how well the global network would have observed it.

You will enter a list of sources below. Each row is a space-delimited list of tokens. If there is one token, it is parsed as Time, either a GPS or a ISO8601 UTC time. If there are two tokens, it is assumed to be a time and then an ID. If there are three tokens, it will be parsed as time, RA, Dec. Four tokens are interpreted at Time, ID, RA, Dec. RA and Dec can be decimal degrees, or sexagesimal [hh:mm:ss dd:mm:ss]. All four forms are in the example below.

Here are some example files in the right format for copying and pasting into the text area below. Each list is of astrophysical phenomena that have been checked for corresponding gravitational wave detection:

Replace these examples of input lines with your own in the format Time [ID] [RA Dec], or copy/paste from the links above.

The results show what proportion of the time the detector was in science mode during the window (duty cycle or D.C.), as recorded by the Science Mode Timeline. If a source position is provided, the antenna response (Frss) to that sky position is also shown. Frss = sqrt(F+2 + Fx2) is a number between 0 and 1, where 1 means that the detector response to that location is maximum (See arXiv:1001.0165 for details). The color of each entry in the table is green for high duty cycle (detector was taking data), or red for low duty cycle (detector was not taking data). The antenna pattern (F+,x) is calculated with the LIGO Algorithm Library function LALComputeDetAMResponse(), with the polarization and inclination angles set to 0.

Results will appear here.