Large Scale Computing Resources
CernVM File System
deprecated: usage will be dismissed starting from August 2025 and replaced by OSDF
CernVM File System (CVMFS) provides access to LIGO, Virgo, and KAGRA data and software on Linux or MacOS computers, as if they are on a local disk.
IGWN Resources on CVMFS:
+ IGWN Public Data:
+ IGWN Software:
Open Science Grid (OSG)
Some researchers can use the Open Science Grid (OSG) to apply High Throughput Computing to their research.
- Create an account at
- Use the OSG Help Desk to find documentation, support, and office hours
- Read the IGWN Guide to HTCondor to learn how to manage jobs
OSG Connect may only be used for work relevant to research and/or education
efforts associated with an academic, government, or non-profit institution in
the United States.