Projects with GWOSC data
Some examples of projects using GWOSC data are shown on this page.
Listing a project here does not imply endorsement by LIGO Laboratory, the LIGO Scientific Collaboration or the Virgo Collaboration.
If you have completed a project with GWOSC data, please let us know!
Student Ashley Disbrow presents her work at the 2014 American Astronomical Society meeting in Washington, DC.

Student Emma Wadley created the installation art, titled Void (2016), shown above. Her artist statement includes this description: "I have used black paper to represent fear through the colour associated with death, shadows and the deepest nights ... The addition of light creates an eerie iridescence and the soundscape aims to unnerve and intrigue through otherworldly noise of Gravitational waves and the Mariana Trench."
Scientific Publications
Below are the most recent publications citing GWOSC, based on a query to INSPIRE.
1) Orbital eccentricity in a neutron star - black hole binary
Gonzalo Morras, Geraint Pratten, Patricia Schmidt
2) Search for continuous gravitational waves from neutron stars in five globular clusters with a phase-tracking hidden Markov model in the third LIGO observing run
L. Dunn, A. Melatos, P. Clearwater, et al.
3) Gravitational-wave Extraction using Independent Component Analysis
Rika Shimomura, Yuuichi Tabe, Hisaaki Shinkai
4) Time-domain phenomenological multipolar waveforms for aligned-spin binary black holes in elliptical orbits
Maria de Lluc Planas, Antoni Ramos-Buades, Cecilio García-Quirós, et al.
5) Further constraining the neutron star-black hole merger rate
Ian Harry, Charlie Hoy
6) Results from an Einstein@Home search for continuous gravitational waves from Cassiopeia A and Vela Jr. using LIGO O2 data
Jorge Morales, Jing Ming, Maria Alessandra Papa, et al.
7) Echoes of Self-Interacting Dark Matter from Binary Black Hole Mergers
Amitayus Banik, Jeong Han Kim, Jun Seung Pi, et al.
8) A directed continuous-wave search from Scorpius X-1 with the five-vector resampling technique
Francesco Amicucci, Paola Leaci, Pia Astone, et al.
9) Impact of eccentricity and mean anomaly in numerical relativity mergers
Peter James Nee, Aldo Gamboa, Harald P. Pfeiffer, et al.
10) Constraining dark-sector effects using gravitational waves from compact binary inspirals
Caroline B. Owen, Alexandria Tucker, Yonatan Kahn, et al.
11) New gravitational waveform model for precessing binary neutron stars with double-spin effects
Marta Colleoni, Felip A. Ramis Vidal, Nathan K. Johnson-McDaniel, et al.
12) Fast and Precise Spectral Analysis for Dark Matter Searches with LIGO
Alexandre Göttel, Vivien Raymond
13) Spherical black hole perturbations in EFT of scalar-tensor gravity with timelike scalar profile
Shinji Mukohyama, Kazufumi Takahashi, Keitaro Tomikawa, et al.
14) Searching for additional structure and redshift evolution in the observed binary black hole population with a parametric time-dependent mass distribution
Vasco Gennari, Simone Mastrogiovanni, Nicola Tamanini, et al.
15) Unified $\chi^2$ discriminators for gravitational wave searches from compact coalescing binaries
Sanjeev Dhurandhar
16) Can wormholes mirror the quasinormal mode spectrum of Schwarzschild black holes?
Ciro De Simone, Vittorio De Falco, Salvatore Capozziello
17) Sampling the full hierarchical population posterior distribution in gravitational-wave astronomy
Michele Mancarella, Davide Gerosa
18) Exploring the Frontier of Transient Gravitational Wave Detection
Melissa Lopez
19) Looking To The Horizon: Probing Evolution in the Black Hole Spectrum With GW Catalogs
Jam Sadiq, Thomas Dent, Ana Lorenzo Medina
20) Quantum variational rewinding for gravitational wave detection
Benjamin Rodrigues de Miranda, Domenica Dibenedetto, Niels Neumann, et al.
Other Projects
Student projects at SUNY New Paltz (Starting in 2021)
Student projects mentored by Eric Myers
Final papers: Spy Hill Research
Pioneer Academics student projects (2015-2021)
Student projects mentored by Eric Myers
Final Papers: Spy Hill Research
Effect of Low Frequency Noise in Detection of Gravitational Waves
Baisakhi Mitra
Gravitational Wave Events (iPhone App)
Peter Kramer
Evidence for Small-Strain Burst Sources Proliferating in Enhanced-LIGO Time Series Data
Stanley W. Wong and Baokun Gu Report on Google Docs
Calculating detection ranges for binary black holes
Bassel Heiba Code on github
GW150914 Kaggle Projects
Created by Elena Cuoco GW150914 data in Kaggle
Online Course - LIGO: Detecting Gravitational Waves
Created at Sonoma State University by Lynn Cominsky SSU LIGO Courses | 2016 Course
Art Installation: Void
Emma Wadley See photo above
Modified LIGO data analysis notebook
Valentin Baillard Azure | mybinder | github
Physics From Planet Earth homework problems
Joe Amato and Enrique (Kiko) Galvez See Gravitational Radiation 2 and Gravitational Radiation 3
Non-Gaussian noise and data analysis of laser interferometric gravitational wave detectors
Takahiro Yamamoto, Ph.D. Thesis See JGW-P1605355
Gravitational Wave Detection in the Introductory Lab
Lior M. BurkoGeorgia Gwinnett College, See arxiv:1602.04666
Pioneer Academics student projects
Projects mentored by Eric Myers Final papers: Jinghong Liang | William Li
Searching for Compact Binaries in LIGO Data
Shannon Wang Date Completed: September 2014 Report: Paper
Recovering S5 Burst Injections
Alexander Cole Date Completed: May 2014 Presentation: Paper | Slides
S5 Data Time Dependence of Duty Cycles and Spacetime Detection Volumes
Gary LaMotte Date Completed: April 2014 Presentation: Slides
Recovering Hardware Injections in LIGO S5 Data
Ashley Disbrow Date Completed: September 2013 Presentations: Poster | Slides
Share your own GWOSC data project
For help getting started on a GWOSC data project, or if you have completed work that you would like to share, please contact the GWOSC team.
Please remember to cite or acknowledge GWOSC if using any products from this web site.