Tutorial Step 0: Software Setup
Many of the tutorials available through GWOSC are designed to be run using python, and jupyter notebooks provide a convenient interface. If you are new to python or jupyter notebooks, and want to try the tutorials, here are a few suggestions to help get running quickly.
Easy Option: Run tutorials in your browser
No installation needed
- Click the icons below to run tutorials in your browser with Google Co-lab or mybinder
- If you are stuck, try clicking the "video help".
More Options
If you would like to install a full LIGO/Virgo/KAGRA software stack, we recommend using the IGWN Conda Distribution, following the Usage Guide
Step-by-step instructions are in the GW Open Data Workshop Software Setup.
What's next?
Once you have all the needed software installed, it is time to learn how it works. If you are already have some experience with Python, you can try some tutorials. However, if you are new to Python, you may want to start with some tutorials on numpy and matplotlib:
- Google's Python Class or the official Python tutorial
- Numpy Tutorial
- Tutorial on making plots with matplotlib